วันศุกร์ที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

SHOP FOX W1715 3/4 HP Metal Cutting Bandsaw

I purchased the Shop Fox bandsaw as a backup for an old Sears' assemblage I awash at bargain 10-years ago. I had to alter the Sears' motor (it was not able enough) and I am now replacing the Shop Fox motor (the Shop Fox-provided motor does not accept abundant torque to drive the brand through animate bend iron). I am replacing the SF low-powered motor with a farm-rated able 3/4HP with a higher-amp rating). I aswell did not like the somewhat chiffon legs provided by SF. I accept army my new Shop Fox on a separate heavy-duty rolling table. I aswell had to jump too abounding hoops to locate backup blades (this advice should accept been listed in the apprenticeship sheets). I had to spcial-order a new 4-section footfall caster for my new more-powerful motor (larger shaft bore appropriate a altered pulley). I will aswell charge to alter the v-belt.
SHOP FOX W1715 3/4 HP Metal Cutting Bandsaw

